He who has ears to hear...
Today while in the secret place like always I prayed for God’s people, the church (Ekklesia) including Israel; plainly speaking all who are the Lord’s Jew or Gentile. I specifically said, “We are of 2 folds but are 1 flock, 1 body” Christ’s body. Holy Spirit has highlighted unity to me these past couple of days and of course unity among the brethren but He didn't stop there, He graciously showed me He means unity among all of His people, Jews & Gentiles. Now, back to the words spoken in my prayer, at that time I did not know what I was about to read in the Word. Usually pray then read the Word; making my petitions known before the Lord, followed by listening for His response through reading the Word.
Moreover, confirming this revelation is “And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock, one shepherd.” John 10:16. Praise be to the Most High! God’s chosen people are God’s chosen people, Jews & Gentiles; 2 folds, 1 flock, 1 God in which there is no distinction! It is critical that we unify as one in Yeshua and function as one body, His body! May the natural tree (Jews) be healed by the wild tree (Gentiles) bearing much fruit and may we stand together as one, ambassadors occupying & preparing for our King’s return in Jesus name, so be it, Amen! Look up, be steadfast our redemption draws near! Finish strong!!! Shalom