Prayers & Packages

Prayers & Packages sole purpose is to provide ministering by freely giving care packages, offering prayers, as well as encouragement to all in need.

Prayers & Packages
Prayers & Packages
Prayers & Packages

About Prayers & Packages

Prayers & Packages is a Safe Haven Refuge outreach program whose sole purpose is to provide ministering by freely giving care packages, offering prayers, as well as encouragement to all in need. People need to know that they are not forgotten, they are loved, and they were created for a purpose; Prayers & Packages helps to shed light on these truths. Prayers & Packages is a surrendered vehicle for the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKadesh) to utilize as He wills to reach as many as possible.




Personal attention and love are given to those who may not otherwise get these essentials, which is another manifestation of the love of Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach). Even though this outreach is not about those ministering, rather it’s about those being ministered to and the edification of the Lord; we so appreciate the hard work of our volunteers donating time, energy, skills, and talents.




The care packages consist of a range of items which include socks, portable foods rich in protein & fiber, personal wipes, juice/water, and gender specific toiletries to meet the needs of men and women, especially in the area of feminine hygiene. T-shirts are freely given as well that are custom made for this outreach and display the ABCs of salvation on the front. The shirts serve as both a fresh, clean piece of clothing as well as promoting Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach) as Lord and Savior. Bibles and reading glasses are also provided accompanied with printed warfare prayers (courtesy of WOAM) to target & destroy strongholds in the lives of the people.